Taylor Shaw
The Sheffield Schools Catering Contract was awarded to Taylor Shaw from 1st August 2011. They provide meals in 106 schools across the city.
Food Quality
Taylor Shaw (Waterfall Catering Group) cook fresh, high quality food for your child, using farm assured meats (Red Tractor accredited), free range eggs, and Marine Stewardship Council certified fish from sustainable sources.
There are no genetically modified foods in the meals and no mechanically recovered meat.
Healthy Meals
All meals meet School Food Standards 2015 set by the Government. Taylor Shaw develops innovative ways of increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables included in school meals.
Medical Diets
Children with medical dietary needs can be catered for. Taylor Shaw has a dedicated Nutritionist in Sheffield as part of their team – this will support healthier, bespoke menus for your child. If you require further information please contact us.
High Green Primary School
Children at High Green Primary School order their school lunches through LunchHound. This can be done either at home by 8.30am or in class by 9.15am. Any children arriving after 9.15am who have not pre ordered their lunch at home can order at the school office. They have four meal choices that are categorised into four colour bands, Red (meat option) Green ( vegetarian option) Blue (jacket potato with a choice of fillings) and Yellow (sandwich option).
Lunch Menu
Please click on the link for our new Winter menu that will replace the Summer menu on the w/c 4th November 2024 on week 3 -High_Green_Primary_-_FAB4_AutumnWinter_24_25_new(1).pdf The menu calendar please click the link - Menu_Calendar_2025.pdf
Meet The Catering Staff