Y2 Thornbridge Residential
Another fantastic residential at Thornbridge for our Y2s. They have all been amazing and should be very proud of themselves! We even got treated to some sunshine this year
Y2 Thornbridge Outdoors Residential
Y3 The Sheffield Cathedral and Synagogue
On Tuesday, Year 3 went on a fascinating RE trip to Sheffield Cathedral, and Sheffield Synagogue. We looked for both similarities and differences in the buildings, special objects, and the way people worship there. A few lucky children got to try out some of the special clothes the priests wear during services, and we made pilgrim tokens out of clay!
Y3 The Cathedral and Synagogue
Y1 Abbey House Toy Museum
Y1 Abbey House Toy Museum
Y4 Abbey House Museum
Year 4 had a fantastic time on their history trip to Leeds Abbey House Museum, where they took part in a Victorian murder mystery as part of our topic, 'How Have Children's Lives Changed?'. The children worked in small groups to solve the crime, examining eyewitness accounts, testimonies, and evidence. They even took their own fingerprints and made detective badges! After solving the mystery, they explored the Victorian streets and the rest of the museum, learning more about life in the past. It was a day full of hands-on learning and excitement!
Y4 Abbey House Class Visit
Y3 manor Lodge
Year 3 went on a prehistoric visit to Manor Lodge in November to experience what it was like to live in the Stone Age. We tracked animals and used some stone age tools, built shelters as they would have done if there were no caves available, transported large stones to construct a monument, and painted cave art by candlelight.
Y3 Manor Lodge
F1, Y1 and Y2 Nativity 2024
F2 and Y1 and Y2 enjoyed performing the Christmas Nativity at St Saviours Church in High Green. Parents who attended enjoyed watching the children perform and there wasn’t a dry eye in the church!
Y2 Nativity
Kelham island Y6
On Friday 22nd November, Y6 visited Kelham Island museum, in Sheffield, to take part in a workshop that explored how Sheffield grew from a hamlet into a huge industrial city. They found out about some of the amazing machinery invented in Sheffield during the move from making individual knives to creating huge railway girders and parts for ships. They also learnt about the workers of Sheffield who made our Steel City.
Y6 Kelham Island
Sports Hall Y5/6 Event
The Y5 and Y6 children had previously competed in an athletics competition, in which they came second. Securing their place in the finals. All children tried their best competing against the best athletes in Sheffield.
Sports Hall Event
Carols By Candlelight 2024
The choir enjoyed serenading our parents with Christmas carols at this years ‘Carols by Candlelight’ in our school woodland. Please join us at next years event -TBC.
Carols by Candlelight 2024
Curling Event
The children really enjoyed their day learning the sport curling and watching the figure skaters. Introducing children to different sports provides them with opportunities to feel motivated and confident while building positive attitudes towards sports.
Y6 Enterprise Day
The children in year 6 have spent the last week setting up their own businesses. The children identified key roles in a business such as marketing director, sales assistant, managing director etc and identified which of those skills was a strength for the children in their team. Once roles were identified the children began to research which products to sell and how those products are made. The children then researched ingredients and items. They used the internet to price compare products to ensure they made a profit.
Each team came up with their own pitch, tag line, slogan and business name. After extensive research and organising the following week children were then able to spend a few days to set up their business and pitch their ideas across school to gain interest. They then sold their items and calculated the profits. It was a very successful day and all businesses made a profit. The children gained many skills throughout this experience and were also able to put to test their problems solving skills, communication and calculation skills.
Y6 Enterprise Day
The Music Festival 2024
A fun filled day had by all at our annual Music Festival on Saturday 6th July. We enjoyed listening to professional musicians alongside pupils in school who have been learning to play instruments such as the drums, violin, piano and brass. Our school choir performed alongside the Steel City Choristers which was a great opportunity for all of the children involved. Everyone enjoyed the stalls and activities on offer including the BBQ and bar.
Our FOTS team work tirelessly every year to make this event a success and raised a massive £2212. This money will be used to enhance the children's learning experiences.
Thank you to all of the staff, volunteers and FOTS who contributed.
The Music Festival
Reading Event
As part of our mission to continue to develop a culture of reading across school and build our partnership with parents and families, we invited parents and carers into school to our ‘Read & Share’ event.
In Reception and Key Stage one, the children follow the Little Wandle Early Reading & Phonics Scheme. Monday’s session focuses on decoding as the children are given a new book. Tuesdays focus is prosody, which is all about reading with expression and finally, Wednesday’s focus is comprehension, seeing how much the children have understood and remembered about the book.
In Key Stage two, the children follow the Pathways to Read scheme. These sessions take place daily. Monday’s session focuses on a whole class read where the teacher reads aloud to model intonation, fluency and pace. The children are also given the opportunity to read out loud. This shared session follows a four-part structure predict, clarify vocabulary, read and retrieve, and read and explain.
The event was a great success with lots of positive feedback. Many parents said it was a fantastic opportunity to see how reading is taught and how they can help their children to read at home.
We will be holding our reading event again during the Autumn term.
Reading Event
World Book Day
As part of our ongoing commitment to reading, and our vision to nurture a love of books and stories in all our children, we celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2024. The theme for World Book Day this year was “Read your way”.
'Read Your Way' called on everyone to let go of pressure and expectations, giving children a choice – and a chance – to enjoy reading. Every reader is different, and there’s no right or wrong way to enjoy reading, so we encouraged children to think about what reading looks like for them.
This year, to celebrate World Book Day, we were delighted to welcome back 'West End in Schools'. The feedback from pupils and staff was fantastic. All pupils enjoyed acting and dancing and loved exploring a story in such an expressive way.
Each of the workshops was led by a professional actor & dancer who guided each class through a choreographed movement sequence which explored this year’s story, Pinocchio. The workshops helped children to develop their confidence, use their imaginations and presentation skills alongside an understanding of narrative. By combining storytelling, movement and music, children were engaged with the story Pinocchio from a new, creative, and active perspective.
This year, we challenged our children to try something different! We asked them to come dressed as a word of their choosing. This could have been their favourite word, a new word that they have just learnt or one that they have recently learnt the meaning of.
The children’s ideas were fantastic and incredibly creative. Here are some photos of our fabulous, fun filled day.
World Book Day
Reading Tree
The English team have been busy applying for grants to re-vamp our library area by purchasing a reading tree to link with our woodland theme.
After their relentless efforts last term, we are delighted to receive a donation, towards the tree, from Ecclesfield Charity. Our wonderful Fots team have made this a reality by donating the rest of the funds meaning, we had enough to purchase it.
The children absolutely love it and are excited to start using it when visiting our library.
Here are some photos of our Reading Tree.
Reading Tree
Young Voices 2024
Young Voices 2024 was a great success and all choir members and staff enjoyed taking part in the Worlds biggest choir. The choir were lucky enough to preform alongside guest artists: Hip Hop Pantsula, Danny K, Incha, Pretty Yende, and Given Nkosi. We cannot wait for Young Voices 2025!
Young Voices 2024
Rock Steady
Every half term, the children who have ‘Rock Steady’ lessons enjoy performing to parents and children. This gives them a chance to showcase what they have learnt and how they have progressed with the musical instruments they are learning to play. Here are some photos of their latest performance.
Rock Steady
Story Sacks
Please take a look at our beautiful new story sacks. I have taken a picture of one to show you the kind of items you can find inside each bag. Each story bag will generally contain a couple of book, props and a game for the children to enjoy with parents at home. Initially, these will be borrowed and taken home by our reception children. Mrs Coe will be in touch shortly with finer details. A huge thank you to Joanna Evans from Fots who has made and sourced all the items in each bag.
They are amazing!!!
Book Vending Machine
We are delighted to have received a grant from Ecclesfield Parish Council in order to purchase our fabulous new Book Vending Machine. On Tuesday 28th March we will be having a whole school assembly to draw raffle tickets, earned by the children, for their dedication and hard work in reading. Revd Tim Gill, from Ecclesfield Parish Council, will be our very special guest and officially open our vending machine. The books that we have purchased for the machine were kindly donated by our FOTS team and they have also been invited to join our assembly. The books were chosen by all of the children in school, and we have a vast range of reading books for the children to enjoy and keep as a reward for trying hard with their reading. Every half term we will have a reading celebration assembly in order to draw the raffle tickets the children have earned. Our English lead, Mrs Harding will draw two girls and two boys from every class every half term. As a school we understand the importance of promoting a love of reading and our Book Vending Machine is an exciting addition to this.