Meet the Governors
Hello, and welcome to the Governors section of the school website.
As a governing body we are passionate that every pupil in the school is able to achieve their full potential. We play a key role in holding the Headteacher and school leadership team to account over this and setting the strategic direction for the school to ensure that this happens.
Here you will find information about the governing body and its tasks, as well as blogs and newsletters keeping you up to date with what the school governors are doing in and around the school. It also contains the contact information to get in touch with the governing body to ask any questions you may have about the school and its governance.
If you need to contact the Governors please email them at
Meet the Governors
Mr P Johnson
Chair of Governors
Safeguarding Governor
Mrs S Shaw
Vice Chair Of Governors / Parent Governor
SEN Governor
Miss N Beal
Teaching Staff Governor
Mrs M Mckie
Co-opted Governor
Well Being
Mrs J Roberts
Co-opted Governor
Mr W Read
Co-opted Governor
MR S Middleton
Co-opted Governor
Miss Senior
Parent Governor
Miss Hobbs
Parent Governor
Mrs Smales
Mrs Harding
Deputy Headteacher
Associate Member
Mrs D Aldridge
Business Manager
Associate Member
Governors Statutory Information
If you are interested in finding out about the role of governors or how to become a school governor please click the link below
This page contains statutory information about our schools governing body.
Governors Documents