Welcome to Year 3!


Y3 Class Photo



Year 3 Mission Statement


In Year 3 we aim to be AWESOME! There are lots of different ways we can do this, but we promise to act on what we feel are some of the most important ones: 

We promise to be respectful to other people, other people’s belongings, and ourselves. This includes being polite and friendly towards EVERYONE, all the time. 

We will be kind to everyone, regardless of their backgrounds or whether they are our friends or not. 

We promise to be encouraging to our classmates, and help them be the best that they can be. 

We promise to take risks, in order to challenge ourselves. We will push ourselves beyond our comfort zones, and try new things. 

When things are difficult, or haven’t gone well, we will be resilient and try again. We will do our best to bounce back positively from knockbacks. 

We will be focused in lessons and always try our best. We will listen, and not speak when other members of the class are speaking. 

We are committed to working hard all of the time. 

We will contribute to a classroom where we can learn effectively, and have great fun! 


Year 3 Quotes: 

 I love coming to school here - I don't want to go home!

 I really like PE lessons. They are taught by real sports coaches!

 I like how you get rewarded - I just got my pen license!

 The teachers are really fun!


Y3 Curriculum Overview

Meet The Teachers Year 3

Mr Baker

Mr Baker


Miss Hiner

Miss Hiner

Teaching Assistant