18 May 2022
Parent Governor Vacancy
We are seeking nominations for a parent governor to join our governing board.
Our governors work closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to ensure that all pupils can develop as individuals and receive a good quality education.
As a governor you will have responsibility for the strategic management of the school, to ensure accountability, and to act as a ‘critical friend’. Being a school governor is a challenging but hugely rewarding role. It will give you the chance to make a real difference to our pupils, give something back to your local community and use and develop your skills in a board-level environment.
What does being a governor involve? As a governor you will join one of our three sub-committees (Business & Premises, Quality of Education or Personal Development). These committees meet regularly throughout the academic year to discuss issues affecting school, review policies and make key decisions about the management of the school.
I think I’m too busy to be a governor, what sort of commitment is involved? Governors are required to attend committee meetings 3 times a year and 3 full governing body meetings a year (6 meetings in total). Meetings take place in the early evening and usually last around 90 to 120 minutes. You may also be asked to attend other meetings on an ad hoc basis. The period of office is for four years. If your child leaves the school during the four-year period you may continue for the full term if you wish.
I don’t know anything about education, have I got the right skills to be a governor? You might have experience of working in an education setting or you might not – it is not a requirement to have a background in education. You will be the right fit to join our governing board if you can; - take a positive part in discussions about different aspects of the school - be a ‘critical friend’ and ask difficult questions of those accountable - review and reflect on new initiatives and policies - provide advice and feedback in a constructive way. Most of all, if you have the enthusiasm, time, interest and commitment we would like to hear from you.
Who can apply? If you are a parent or carer of a student currently registered at High Green then you may apply. Your application must be supported by two nominations, a proposer and seconder who must also each be a parent or carer of a student currently registered at High Green. Appointment will be subject to a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check and your agreement to sign the Governing Boards code of conduct. There are a number of circumstances in which an individual is disqualified from being a governor, which include bankruptcy and criminal conviction. Proof of identity will be required. Should you require further information on disqualification clauses, please contact the Clerk to the Governors on the email address below.
How do I apply? To apply please submit your expression of interest to the Clerk to the Governors, Jayne Dyson at jaynedyson@blueyonder.co.uk by Friday 1st July 2022. If there are more nominations than vacancies an election will be held. You would then be required to provide information about yourself (up to 200 words) which would be available to all parents and carers to assist in the election process.